Friday, July 9, 2010

Asher funnies vol. 2

This morning when I woke up, I went to the bathroom to blow my nose.
Asher: What you doing, mom?
Me: I'm blowing my nose, Asher.
Asher: Are you an elephant, mom?
Me: No. I'm not an---ok, yeah. Sure. I'm an elephant.

The other day, Asher and I were in the bathtub (which I think is significant to the story). Asher looked at me and said, "mom, are you Barbie?" Then he waited a few seconds and answered his own question, "No, you are mom." But one can understand his confusion, right?

Last night we had a conversation that went something like this:
A: I don't like you, mom. I like dad.
M: But I love you, Asher. Why don't you like me?
A: I don't like you, mom. I like dad. I want dad.
M: [pretended to cry]
A: Are you sad mom?
M: Yeah, I'm sad.
A: Just calm down, mom. Just calm down. No crying, mom. Its no big deal. Its no big DEAL!

I stopped crying, but he repeated the last part about 50 more times before I could convince him that I was calm and I wasn't crying anymore.

I love my Asher-dasher.


marisalea said...

I laughed out loud at the Barbie comment!

marisalea said...
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secwalker said...

So so funny!