Tuesday, October 26, 2010

A few cute stories

In case you are not aware, Ruthie is a daddy's girl. Definitely. She cries almost anytime Matthew leaves the room and she loves to be on him, near him, held by him, etc. just about all the time. The other day I got home from work and Ruthie was crying about something (doing a very pathetic little whimper, really), so I picked her up and tried to comfort her - to no avail. Then Matthew walked in the room. She practically leapt into his arms, and at the same time, her face lit up with a smile and she said "Dadddy!" Hmpf. What am I, chopped liver?

The other day, when we were playing dress-up with Ruthie's pink coat and hat (see pictures below), Asher saw her and said "Mom, is Ruthie a queen?" I said "um, sure..." (not quite sure what he meant). After a pause, he said "Mom, can we be a queen too?" Cute.

Last one. This morning when I was leaving for work, Asher was playing with his matchbox cars. He gave one to Ruthie, one to daddy, and one to me. (He is getting much better at sharing.) I said, "oh, thanks, Asher! Can I take this to work with me?" He said, "um (thought about it a minute), no." A few minutes later, he brought me a different car and said "you can take this to work." I thanked him and finished getting ready to leave. When I was walking out the door, I said goodbye to Matthew and the kids, and Asher said "Bye, mom! Have a fun at work. Have a fun at work with your car." So cute. (Its kind of funny to think that his concept of work is me playing with a matchbox car at my desk. I will have "a fun" at work today just thinking about it.)

I love my cute kiddos. Can't wait to see what the next one will be like.


Tracie said...

oh my goodness i love your stories! I just miss that asher and ruthie so much!